Monday, August 30, 2010


1. cool mornings
2. Bible study on the patio while Luke plays
3. hot tea
4. hard-working husband
5. "scub scouts" {Luke says it; Noah is one}
6. that Noah's favorite thing about "scub scouts" is "learning about God and serving"
7. 8 yr old boy insights
8. a king-sized pillow
9. Luke patiently lining up tractors
10. snuggles from a busy 2 yr old
11. "Mommy, I need go potty!" BEFORE it happens!
12. Excedrin
13. public school teachers
14. Luke's "lankie"
15. the luxury of a day of rest when a migraine hits: only 1 kid at home, being a stay-at-home mom, being caught up (for ONCE) on chores
16. leftovers for lunch
17. God's unlimited patience (1 Tim 1:16)
18. Word meals (Jeremiah 15:16)
19. kids' hugs for the bus driver
20. that salvation pleased him! (Ps 115:3)

The first of counting my many, many blessings...

holy experience


Jeanne said...

I loved reading some of the things you're grateful for, Melanie. And I'm truly grateful that you are blogging again. I love reading anything you write. And I love you, sweet girl...


Sarah said...

Oh the joy of a great pillow. I completely understand and rejoice with you today!

Delighted as always to splash around with you and drench myself in His goodness.


Anonymous said...

During my weekly blog-stalking, I noticed you had posted. It is about time. It really isn't fair for us Nashvillians for you to move away AND stop blogging as well! Thinking of you this weekend and remembering little Ruby, too. Love, Anna Luther