Monday, September 6, 2010


holy experience

21. treasures in heaven (Matt 6:19-20)
22. blog encouragers (Mom and Hannah)
23. warm fires and smelling smoky later
24. friends, old and new, who remember
25. do-overs (Lam 3:22-23)
26. making it "this far" (2 Sam 7:18-22)
27. forgiveness from my little peeps
28. Mama's cookin'!
29. indoor toilets (although I'm considering sending the little boys outside unless they start aiming better)
30. colors of fall
31. Luke knowing the last word of each line of much-read books
32. "Holding on to Hope" and the friend who gifted it
33. Ruby Anne
34. people who don't care when you say dumb things
35. words and language
36. kids who sleep at 7:30 pm = QUIET
37. God speaking through my mother-in-law...PEACE
38. rest for the weary (Matt 11:28-29)
39. His everlasting-ness (Jer 31:3)
40. a mama who quilts (because I'm on my way to sleep under the wedding quilt she made for us!)


Jeanne said...

I love you so much, my lovely daughter! And I love reading the things you are grateful for. It's like a window into your heart.

Oh, and thanks for not mentioning that you only got that wedding quilt this year! Eleven years in the making. Oh brother!

Michael and Hannah said...

I don't feel worthy of your list, but you encourage me too! You are such a positive influence in a world of Debbie Downers... you lift me up and remind me of what's truly important and how very blessed we are as daughters of the King!