Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Lion Sleeps Tonight...

By some miracle, this costume has lasted through 8 years and 4 children!
Luke's first Trunk-or-Treat and he slept right through it! Which made my job a whole lot easier, considering I still had the other 3 crazies to keep up with. They were all pretty good and seemed to have fun. What's not to love?! Costumes and candy? You can't beat that with a stick!
Madeline is a Water Fairy, costume courtesy of Dani's Sewing School! Madeline and Dani (emphasis on the Dani) made the dress this summer together. Madeline was a little uncertain about wearing it because she was afraid her friends might think it was too babyish, but in the end, she was very proud of it (and I could tell she thought she looked pretty cute...which she did!). (Sidenote: Have you SEEN the trashy options for young girls this year in the Halloween department? Made me stop and be thankful my baby still wanted to be a fairy!)
Water Fairy Madeline, Iron Man Noah, Spiderman Jack, and Lion Luke:
Black cat sticker: 10 cents
Pink vampire teeth: 25 cents
Giving your brother bunny ears: PRICELESS!
Love the pile 'o kids and their expressions here:
This is one of my favorite pictures ever...I have no idea what she's laughing at, but I don't really even care!
Happy Halloween! (known around our house as "Trick or Treat, Smell My Feet")


Jeanne said...

Cutest little goblins I've ever seen!!! The little sleeping lion is very precious...

Michael and Hannah said...

Nothing better than laughter pictures!! Love all the costumes!

Deaton, party of 5 said...

Happy Halloween to one priceless family! Love to all!!!