Thursday, September 25, 2008

Madeline gets her due...

Two days in a row, I got very similar pictures of Madeline Jean:

(yes, we were sitting still at a stoplight in the car pictures)
Can't you just hear the "Mo-om!" She likes to pretend that she doesn't like the attention, but we all know she loves Mom's obnoxious documentation of every stinkin' little thing :) I love this girl!
**Even more Madeline pictures to come, I promise! The Chinese book in her lap is a clue!**


Jeanne said...

I know I left a comment yesterday but I don't know what happened to it!

Maddy, you're so cute! I can't wait to hear about your Chinese class!!! We'll make that dress one day, I promise...

Melanie, i believe you when you say you were stopped while taking that backseat picture of Maddy. However....I do remind you of the one you took of her when she was very little and sucking on her toes... I'll leave it at that...don't want you to get in trouble with any government agencies... :)

jamie b said...

hi! your kids are precious! i can't remember exactly how i found your blog...i think from boomama's. anyway, i see that you are a smalling. my mom was a smalling and i wondered where your husbands family is from :)

Deaton, party of 5 said...

You need to play the song "I'm to SEXY" and maybe she start strutting her stuff =).