Monday, May 4, 2009

Not Me! Mondays are back!

They're baaaaaack! Now that MckMuffin and MckMama are home, Not Me! Mondays have returned. So join me in being brutally honest and living to tell about it!

I absolutely, most certainly, without a doubt did NOT. . .

. . . listen to "The Ten Commandment Boogie" on a sampler kids DVD I bought at Lifeway for 75 cents and laugh uncontrollably for two hours ten minutes forty-five full seconds after hearing, for commandment #7, "Seven feels like heaven, but only with your husband or wife"!

. . . eat chocolate cake (followed by a piece of Easter candy) with Jack for breakfast this morning! I'm more health-conscious than that! And by health-conscious, I mean that if there are any unhealthy foods in the house, I am constantly conscious of them. And cannot rest until they are consumed.

. . . let little Lukey (almost 11 mos) eat about 10 bites of my pb&j sandwich last night before remembering (he's the fourth child, for crying out loud) that nuts are a no-no under age one, so really it's only one month off two, so I'm a year and a month early. I guess I can now say that he does not have a nut allergy. I also did not let him eat a baleada on his own and get it in most every nook and cranny he could find, and then document it in pictures because he is just that cute! . . . help my hilarious husband record the gradual shaving of his winter beard in photographs and video clips (some of which will certainly be used against him at some point in the future because they are THAT funny). He did not wrestle rope wrangle the kids into his Tombstone-esque hilarity and end up with a picture like this:


  1. That cute little baleada-faced Luke!!! Absolutely precious! And I love the Tombstone-esque picture!

  2. LOVE the last picture! A true classic that you will treasure forever! :)

  3. You are so funny! Love little Luke's picture.

  4. I have been thinking about you all a lot lately. How are you friend? Let's get together soon!!!


Thank you for sharing here! Praying you are blessed just as you are blessing me.