Wednesday, August 13, 2008


"Little" Luke weighed in at his 2-month checkup at a whopping SEVENTEEN pounds 3 ounces. He seems pretty tickled about it, too..


  1. WOWSA is right!!! Anna Kate only weighs 19 pounds and she is 13 months old!!! Your breastmilk must be liquid GOLD!

  2. WHOA, what an adorable whopper! You are going to shed that baby weight quick (I'm sure you gained a whole pound) carrying that guy around =). CCCCUUUUTTTTEEEE!!!

  3. WOW!! What a chubby wubby baby!! He started out bigger than mine was at 2 months old though! What a healthy baby!! Keep up the good work!

  4. Breastmilk does a body good--very good! What a blessing that 'little' Luke is growing the way he's supposed to! ZK wasn't even 17 lbs at her one year old checkup. She's just reached 20 at 17 months... ha!

  5. I guess I forgot to comment on this one because I got the longer version of the laughing video by email. I watch it ALL the time!!!

    I can't wait to squeeze that sweet baby and pinch those chubby wubby cheeks again soon!

    Love, Mama/Dani


Thank you for sharing here! Praying you are blessed just as you are blessing me.