Monday, February 11, 2008

Little Boy Blue

First of all, EVERYTHING IS FINE, but he "wasn't kicking right" this morning (my first pregnancy freak-out, so I think I'm doing pretty well, considering), so we rushed to the dr's office for an ultrasound because my dr was in surgery, so we couldn't just do a doppler-check, which is really all I wanted. Jared met Batman (seriously, we ran out the door so fast that I didn't even make him change out of his costume, which was on over his pajamas still...and he only had one sock on, but did manage to get his shoes on) and me at the dr's office and we got in pretty quickly. The ultrasound tech was very calm, explaining that she needed to check my cervix first...then this is your placenta, then BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, while I was screaming (inside) JUST SHOW ME THE HEARTBEAT!!!!! She finally got around to it and of course it was fine. The cord had good blood flow (we suspected there was a cord problem with Ruby), everything looked good.

So, the good news from this is that we got a cool 4D picture of the baby! Last time they tried, but he wouldn't ever get in a good position. Madeline was SO excited to see this pictures because it actually looks like a real baby. She kept saying, "Noah, can you believe our new brother is sooooo cute?!" So here's little Roscoe P. Smalling:


  1. Isn't my new grandson just gorgeous!? Dad says he looks like Noah.

    Melanie, I wish I was there to give you a hug and comfort you when you are having a hard time. I know this time is particularly hard because you're 24 weeks. I pray for you all the time.

    Love, Mama

  2. Bless your heart--I know it was racing. Look at your precious boy!!! These 3-D/4-D machines are amazing. Unfortunately, my drs. office has the Poltergeist TV version, and I was never able to see anything he was pointing at??? Glad things are okay.

  3. Melanie,
    Those are the most beautiful pictures I've ever seen! He looks wonderful. Praise God that everything is just fine!
    Thanks for sharing the pics.

  4. Wow! So glad that everything is good. What amazing pictures, is so cool. He looks a little like Jack to me. Thanks for sharing the pictures...we'll keep praying!


Thank you for sharing here! Praying you are blessed just as you are blessing me.